Design partners are talking…
Visual boards stand out from the noise, keeping customers engaged and giving them power to do things their own way.”
Robert Morrish
Boards are like targeted portals that give our Success Teams superpowers to please customers - instantly, when they want.”
Ray Conley
PopStack will let us focus on the things that matter, in our current workflows, and with live info from our current tools. Wow!”
Anne Rios
Popstack Design Partners are shaping the future
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The Future of Productivity is Visual
The Future of Productivity is Intelligent
Information Intelligence
Popstack connects people & information in a brand new way
Search, discover and combine live information from all your apps
and services, visually
Uncovers the hidden relationships between information, no matter the source
Creates shared understanding that focuses discussions, highlights commitments and accelerates projects
Team Intelligence
Popstack is a breakthrough graphical interface for modern AI
Popstack Assistant collaborates as a smart teammate
Understands the language and activities of work
And adapts to the unique needs of you and your team
Collaborative Intelligence
Popstack is designed for modern work and modern workers
Discover and share resources within your organization or with the wider Popstack community
Share boards with a simple Web link to communicate and collaborate with anyone, anywhere
Create smart templates that capture expertise, automate workflows and simplify repetitive activities
All your information together in one place
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PopStack VR
prelaunch giveaway
Be the first to try out the new VR
visual communication tool...
PopStack VR
prelaunch giveaway
Be the first to try out the new VR
visual communication tool...